Ace is shocked to find out that they know of this and the all of Marineford is shocked into silence at this news. We find out that Ace's mother Rouge was able somehow to keep him in her womb for twenty months to hide him from the Marines, because he is the son of no other than Gol D.

And there is some big news which Sengoku is about to reveal to the world to justify the reason they must execute Ace at any cost. We also get introduced to Luffy who has finally arrived at the Gates of Justice, but how will he and his ragtag group be able to get through it? As this is pondered we get Ace being placed on the execution platform. This entire episode is pretty much just used to setup the appearance of Whitebeard and let the watcher know just how fearsome he is to the world. How badass must he be that he requires such an immense number of troops to be stopped. And that is mainly to stop one man Whitebeard. The narrator informs us that there are well over one hundred thousand troops here at this time. As well it would seem the marines have gathered all their strong members from across the world to come here. This shows how much this war is concerning the marines because all three of the admirals are present together as well as all the Warlords who remain loyal to the world government.

Also it introduces us to some of the marine/warlord players and we saw all the big names are here. Its used mostly to build tension for the arrival of Whitebeard and the upcoming war, by showing different perspectives from people all over the One Piece world. This is just the prelude to the war and not much happens until the end. It does not seem to show many scene spoilers however so it should still allow for the tension to build naturally as it did in the manga. The opening is fine with me, but for those who only watch the anime and do not read the manga it will surely spoil you on some of the characters powers which until now have been a mystery. Well this is the first use of the new opening thirteen for One Piece and i must say it does set a much darker mood both in the animation and the song. If you haven't i suggest you go watch it first then return here for the review. There should be a link to the first episode of One Piece anime Marineford arc if you have not seen it yet.